
Goodbye Yorkeys

03 April 09 (22:09)

At the eve of our departure, the neighbor’s music blares and we think to ourselves, good riddance.  This is the last night we will sleep in this house and we’re so happy.  Can’t wait to get out of here and we are off tomorrow!  This expedition could not have come at a more opportune time.

We are finally weighing the check-in baggages and frantically reducing some more. We are way beyond excess and we are not amused.  Sadly our little aquariums had to be left behind as it’s simply too much to bring. Plankton just has to remain in the water as we can’t bring our studio to photograph it. Very sad. But we have a little petri dish just in case . . .

Before - the never ending mess . . .

Before – the never ending mess . . .

Empty house and planning the future . . .

After – an empty house and planning the future . . .

Our past week was not one we would like to repeat in a long time. Packing a full house into storage is an evil job. Evil. But now, we can forget all about it and forge on into the Coral Triangle expedition. The anticipation is palpable and the wheels are turning. We’re just hoping they are well greased.

About the Author:

Stella was born in Manila, Philippines in 1965. She studied anthropology but ended up in advertising, producing radio and TV commercials for 7 years. After quitting advertising, she ventured into the freelance world in Manila producing video documentaries for a publishing house, government agencies, non govenmental organisations, and the academe. She moved on to producing books and had a stint at working with foreign production companies visiting Manila. Stella, now based in Cairns, produces photo stories with her husband Jürgen Freund.