
/Stella Chiu-Freund

About Stella Chiu-Freund

Stella was born in Manila, Philippines in 1965. She studied anthropology but ended up in advertising, producing radio and TV commercials for 7 years. After quitting advertising, she ventured into the freelance world in Manila producing video documentaries for a publishing house, government agencies, non govenmental organisations, and the academe. She moved on to producing books and had a stint at working with foreign production companies visiting Manila. Stella, now based in Cairns, produces photo stories with her husband Jürgen Freund.

The Daintree River of Tropical North Queensland

For many months, I'd often hear Yogi exclaim "Look at this!!!" And he proceeded to show me Solar Whisper's Facebook page of photographs taken by operator David White along the Daintree River in our part of the world of Tropical North Queensland. They were, of course, extraordinary wildlife images and videos of crocodiles - crocodile behaviour, of alpha [...]

Nature Images Awards 2015 – IUCN 2016 Lauréat Bourse

Paris, 20 December 2015 For his story on the Tolga Bat Hospital and the flying foxes of the Atherton Tablelands, Jürgen Freund wins the 2016 IUCN Prize or lauréat bourse in the 2015 Terre Sauvage/IUCN's Nature Images Awards. The prize is a fellowship assignment - to shoot a [...]

WILDLIFE Under the Waves

With great excitement, we would like to present our latest book by New Holland Publishing - WILDLIFE Under the Waves. This book has a collection of stunning images that showcase the full diversity of marine life -- from mighty whales and graceful turtles through to huge shimmering shoals of fish and riotously coloured corals, anemones, crustaceans and sponges. The book contains [...]

Fruit Bats!

Yogi and I have been visiting the Tolga Bat Hospital in the Atherton Tablelands, Tropical North Queensland for many many years, working and becoming fast friends with a wonderful woman named Jenny Maclean. Jenny Maclean with kelpie Guirri Maclean sitting on their magnificent bat bench. Jenny owns and runs the Tolga Bat Hospital. She has [...]

Finalist – 50th Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Night shot of fireflies in the thousands flittering about within in a single tree (Talisay - Wild Almond). Now in its 50th year, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition provides a global showcase of the very best nature photography. The competition is co-owned by two UK institutions that pride themselves on revealing and championing [...]

Dwarf Minke Whales in the Great Barrier Reef

It's been a while since I was out diving and snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef. This time I went with the superb liveaboard "Spoilsport" of the Mike Ball Dive Expeditions during the best time of the year to see minke whales underwater. The weather was amazing with only 10-15 knot winds and about 20-30 whales around [...]

Stella’s Story

Stella up in the air in a heli bubble somewhere over Uluru. I’m Stella--a short, bossy half a century old Asian woman. I'm Chinese, born and raised in the Philippines, and a grateful immigrant to Australia. In 2003, my husband Yogi and I packed our entire household in Manila and shipped a 20-foot [...]

By | 2018-04-19T09:08:39+00:00 June 15th, 2014|Adventure, Australia|

Asia Pacific Reefs and Rainforests – A Photo Exhibition in April

Asia Pacific Reefs and Rainforests - A Photo Exhibition this April The Tablelands Regional Gallery in collaboration with the 5th Queensland Festival of Photography is proud to present Jürgen Freund in a solo photo exhibition. With the support of the Regional Arts Development Fund and the Worldwide Fund for Nature, this month-long exhibition showcases Jürgen’s [...]

The Great Sea Reef of Fiji from the AIR

16 December 2013 – Great Sea Reef Before our Great Sea Reef expedition started, we were asked by Patricia Mallam of WWF South Pacific what we wanted to photograph. #1 on our list was the most complicated, and I thought, better blurt it out now and hope for the best. I told Patricia we wanted to [...]

The Coral Triangle featured in GEO Magazine

A little late but nonetheless always relevant! Our big photo story on The Coral Triangle came out in German GEO Magazine last August 2013 and correspondingly, an iPad app with this slideshow below. With so many stories to choose from, our writer Dr. Andreas Weber wrote mainly about the Tubbataha Rangers and the amazing work [...]